"Train up a child in the way he shoul go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it."
For Christian parents, what is the point of having children if the parents are not going to educate and shape their kids as Christians, following the One True God, Jehova the Almighty?
I am sure when God said to mankind " Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.", He meant it to be meaningful.
I believe it is our Christian calling to live for God in a repentful way and when He lets us marry and have kids, to pass our inheritance from God to our children.
We should teach our children boldly that they are seperate for God. I believe if we are not ashamed of our Christian identity , then we will be able to prepare a Christian life and education for our beloved children.
Children copy usually what they see and hear, more than what they are told.
As parents we will be the first examples for our children to observe.
We are their first teachers.
I am planning to be my children's teacher and of course their mother too.
I keep observing the good kids of the good Christian families: Christ is a life style for them. There is no force for it but because it is a life style, their children are shaped through the love for Jesus.
Not everybody is living or will live in a country where the majority is Christians.
Where I live there is very limited numbers of Christians and Christian families. So under these conditions, our job becomes even more important: If you dont live as a Christian, your child will have a very poor example or even no examples.
I observe other non-Christian families too. It amazes me to see that somehow they are very aware of the fact that if they dont live their own belief and their religion, they know that they will disappear. So they are very carefull and diligent while they are passing their own moral inheritance to their own kids.
Of course I am not trying to say that the Christian community exists or is surviving through our own efforts. No , of course not. We can be only the tools , not the reason. It is our Lord who keeps us and our Christian community alive, it is Jesus who is the head of His Church and who keeps His Church firm. All I am trying to say and emphasize here that we as Christian parents, we should know what our first responsibility and calling is: It is our family, our children.
Bible is teaching us that we come to faith because God chooses us. He determined us as His Children, it is Him who chooses us, not we who choose Him. So knowing that fact, some lazy parents might think that they dont need to be teaching or shaping their kids as Christians because God can choose them one day and make them Christians anyway.. Most of us didnt even have a Christian family or background. For example I didnt have a Christian family , I wasnt a Christian, I didnt even know what Christianity was, who Jesus was until the age of 21...So considering those facts, we might easily be mislead by the idea that we dont need to raise our kids as Christians because it is God who determines the salvation anyway , the salvation doesnt come through a Christian education.
I have to say that , imagine your kids are determined to be Christians and exalt His Name...and yes they will meet Jesus one day during their lifetime even if you dont raise them as Christians but how about the in between?!! How about the muddy life that you are pushing them in, by not living as Christians and by not teaching them the Christ's ways? Will you not feel awful for not protecting them and teaching them how to protect themselves from this sinful world and the evil in it? Yes, your children might meet Jesus one day naturally, even if you dont tell them about Jesus, but when they meet Him, they will be bringing lots of sinful and junk stuff along themselves , and huge consequences of their sinful life styles so far...There will be lots of issues to be sorted out...
Wouldnt you prefer to teach them the safe and good way of Jesus?
You cant save your kids, you cant give them salvation but you CAN prepare them for it!
Whenever this subject comes into my mind, I make a little prayer from my heart , remembering , imagining my unborn children, and I pray for me wisdom when this honorifying burden will be put by God on my shoulders. If we dont pray we will easily be blinded and forget our responsibilities and our first calling as parents.
I am not saying that we should raise our kids as weirdos who dont know anything about the world they are living in but only the religion. I am saying: It is easy for any generation to have an access for shopping, competitions, sports,fashion, the latest hit music and so on but to have an access for Christ will be limited for their lives since the world has no intention to demonstrate Jesus but only its own sinful going on. You cannot expect the society to do your job for you as parents.
As Christian parents, if we are more worried about our children's worldly growing than their spiritual growing, there is a problem in that. Lets all be carefull about our priorities.
Lets all be carefull about our priorities.
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